Thursday, 15 April 2010


I was looking at old photos tonight - I mean eighteenth birthday party old and beyond. Who let those children out on their own? OMG! Who let them live on their own, away from home and go out drinking on their own!! I am going to a BF's hen this weekend hence was looking at old pics trying to find the most embarrassing ones (obviously cannot deviate from ritual humiliation that makes a hen party). I know it is me in the pictures, be it a much more fresh faced and peachy version, but I feel so disconnected with that girl now it is like an out of body experience. It is a world without the two most important people in my life - my husband and my son, a world were they did not even exist to me, a world where I did not know the real pain of love, a world without fear of living or dying, a world that was part of a different lifetime, a world from a closed chapter of my life. So what happens when these worlds collides? The impact kicks up a bit of dust (or maybe it is volcanic ash?!)and I am left wondering what chapter am I on now?

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Judith's room

Readers of my blog will know that I believe I have a writer inside of me struggling to get out. I have always been scribbling in some form or other and the past couple of years have been trying to make 'proper progress' with it. I am a member of a great creative writers group locally which is full of talented and supportive writerly sorts and I have found it a really helpful way of getting my work out there. I have just discovered Judith's Room over on BMB site and thought some cyber support could be handy too. I love the idea of being part of a 'room' that can be accessed 24/7, that feels inclusive despite the thousands of miles that may separate us. No idea who Judith is though! Maybe she is like Gatsby - an enigma, an ever present presence that no body actually knows. Thanks anyway for the room, will be sure to use it. x