Thursday 19 February 2009


Just when you think it can't get any worse. So my marriage is in the dull drums and I have developed 'adult acne'. I'm not just being over dramatic, I have genuinely been diagnosed as having acne - apparently it happens to a small percent of people once they hit their 30's. Great! Super! Lovely! Husband has left and spots have arrived to keep me company. Maybe it's from all the crying, maybe I am allergic to my own tears? What's next a frigg'in moustache? All dear friends keep telling me you wouldn't really notice them (my inch of foundation might have something to do with that) but in kinda the same way Heather Mill's friends (if she actually has any) probably tell her you don't really notice her false leg. Kind - but total liers. So I am on antibiotics from today and have ointment that I have to keep in the fridge. Lets hope it works. I could really do without these ugly red invaders my self-esteem is taking enough of a battering due to the conspicuous lack of husband by my side these days!

Spotty unwifed

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