Friday 6 March 2009

Alcohol and marriage crisis do not mix.

So went out out for pizza last night with some girlfriends -innocent enough huh? Hmmm I have no idea how a pizza ended up getting me very drunk. O h okay it was proabably the three bottles of wine that accompanied the pizza. Whatever. I vaguely remember my journey home, useless estranged husband was babysitting and I know I ranted at him but have absolutely no recollection of what I said. All I know is that I am still in a rage this morning. I think the alcohol has unleashed the demon in me, I want to kill somebody, preferably my husband! My friends keep telling me that I should go for some therapy, to help me 'unload' and ease my heartache, I think I need an anger management course instead. Perhaps the fact that said useless husband has gone off on a ski trip today with a load of other equally useless male friends has something to do with the burning fury I feel inside. How can he go skiing when his marriage is in crisis? I am thinking such bad thoughts, I wish I had a voodoo doll so I could inflict lots of inexplicable pain on him. I think my broken heart has splintered and started to leak out bitterness, anger and venom. Guess that is what happens when love goes wrong, think I know now what all those songs mean when they say love hurts. It hurts so much my insides feel sore, it hurts so much sometimes I find it hard to breathe, it hurts so much I think I can't live through it, sometimes it just hurts so much.

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